Story of Glory

Genius Products, IFC Films and Thegossip girl 1-4 Weinstein Company will bring "Days of Glory" ("Indigenes") to DVD tomorrow.

The gripping war drama tells the tale of a group of African soldiers who join the French in their fight against the Nazis during World War II. Although they passionately battle to defend the motherland, a place they've never been, they face inequality sons of anarchy dvd box setand daily humiliation within the French army.

These heroes that history forgot won battles throughout Europe before finding themselves alone to defend a small village against a German battalion.

"Days of Glory" garnered a number of prestigious award nominations from around the world, including anFringe SEASON 3 DVD SET Oscar nomination for Best Foreign Film.

The film is presented in widescreen with audio in French (Dolby 5.1), along with subtitles in English and Spanish.
Par zhulouboutin16 le lundi 08 août 2011


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